
Emma Watson stofnaði Instagram aðgang fyrir kjólana sína

Ritstjórn skrifar
Emma Stone veit hvað fólkið vill.
Emma Stone veit hvað fólkið vill. Mynd/Getty
Emma Watson elskar tísku og fólk elskar að spá í hverju og hvaða hönnuðum hún klæðist. Þess vegna hefur hún stofnað hinn fullkomna Instagram aðgang þar sem hún leyfir fylgendur að fylgjast með hverju hún klæðist á kynningarferð sinni fyrir kvikmyndina Beauty and the Beast. 

Við hverja mynd segir Emma frá hverri flík sem hún klæðist. Öll fötin hennar eru gerð á umhverfisvænan hátt úr umhverfisvænum efnum. 

Það verður að segjast að þetta sé ansi skemmtilegt framlag frá okkar konu sem verður gaman að fylgjast með á næstunni. Instagram aðgangurinn sjálfur heitir The Press Tour, sem vísar um kynningarherferðina fyrir kvikmyndina. 

Bonjour Paris! Coat is from @stellamccartney, the world's first luxury brand that is committed to producing products that do not use leather, skins, feathers or fur. Instead, Stella has spent years developing ways of using materials such as regenerated cashmere, recycled fabrics, organic cotton and forest-friendly fabrics. Jumper is from @filippa_k, a Swedish brand committed to four Rs: reducing, repairing, reusing and recycling. Tee by @boodywear, a brand that produces basics made with certified organic bamboo, produced using computerised 3D knitting, so no fabric is wasted. Its factories are zero-waste and have a closed loop system to stop any water being wasted. Shoes are @goodguysdontwearleather. The brand doesn't use any animal products in its collections. Fashion info verified by @ecoage #ecoloves

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Merci beaucoup Paris for the wonderful start to the @beautyandthebeast tour! We felt like we were back in the heart of the film. Next stop - London. Did you know in the French version of the film, Cogsworth is called Big Ben? And Philippe is called Philbert?! Body by @woronstore, a slow fashion brand that focuses on everyday essentials. Each underwear garment is made from Lenzing Modal® fabric, a fibre made from beech wood sourced from sustainable forestry plantations in Europe. Socks by @boodywear, a brand that produces underwear made with certified organic bamboo, produced using computerised 3D knitting, so no fabric is wasted. Its factories are zero-waste and have a closed loop system to stop any water being wasted. Faux leather jacket and dress by @stellamccartney Boots by @goodguysdontwearleather. The brand doesn't use any animal products in its collections, which are made in Porto, Portugal, helping preserve the traditional shoe making industry of the region. Fashion info verified by @ecoage #ecoloves Concealer by @rmsbeauty which is formulated with raw, food-grade and organic ingredients in their natural state. Red pomegranate cheek and lip stain by @thebodyshop, who campaign to 'Enrich Not Exploit' by protecting endangered habitats from intensive farming expansion, bronzer by @vitaliberata who have developed a collection of tanning products free from parabens, alcohol and that spray tan smell. Powder by @iliabeauty which is made from organic powdered corn and minerals instead of loose talc. Brown eye pencil by @honest_beauty who champion fair labour and human rights with their Health & Sustainability Standards. Lip balm from @tataharper who formulate and manufacture their natural and organic products from their farm in Vermont. Eyebrow gel by @janeiredale which is certified cruelty-free and eyebrow pencil by @alimapure who make their products in a diverse range of colours to suit all skin tones and offset 100% of their corporate carbon emissions. Beauty product info verified by @contentbeauty

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