Waterfall Descent 11. júlí 2006 10:50 Sigferð glymur í botnsá Members of the Suðurnes rescue team in Keflavík made a daring descent of Iceland's highest waterfall, Glymur, in Hvalfjörður, south Iceland last Saturday. This is the first time that anyone attempts descent of the 200 metre waterfall. The team set off at five am as they had to walk for the last three kilometres carrying 180 kilos of equipment. " There were two small notches in the cliff wall which we used to fasten our ropes and then we started our descent," says Haraldur Haraldsson, one member of the team. "It was really exciting but it was really scary and very difficult. It was a huge effort for the whole team." Haraldur says that the trip was one of the biggest challenges of his life. "It's the kind of thing you don only once in your life." News News in English Mest lesið Nafn mannsins sem lést á Þingvallavegi Innlent Þjónusta fólk sem reykir ópíóíða og vímuefni í ómerktum bíl Innlent Segja Tate bræður á leið til Bandaríkjanna í einkaþotu Erlent Konan er fundin Innlent Trans hermenn leitaðir uppi og látnir fjúka innan 60 daga Erlent Ógeðfelldar lýsingar í ákæru á hendur Kristjáni Markúsi Innlent Flokki fólksins einum refsað Innlent „En við munum sjá til þess að allt fari vel“ Erlent „Höfum verulegar áhyggjur af þeirri hlið málsins“ Innlent Segja upp samningum 2.300 félagsmanna sem vinna á hjúkrunarheimilum Innlent
Members of the Suðurnes rescue team in Keflavík made a daring descent of Iceland's highest waterfall, Glymur, in Hvalfjörður, south Iceland last Saturday. This is the first time that anyone attempts descent of the 200 metre waterfall. The team set off at five am as they had to walk for the last three kilometres carrying 180 kilos of equipment. " There were two small notches in the cliff wall which we used to fasten our ropes and then we started our descent," says Haraldur Haraldsson, one member of the team. "It was really exciting but it was really scary and very difficult. It was a huge effort for the whole team." Haraldur says that the trip was one of the biggest challenges of his life. "It's the kind of thing you don only once in your life."
News News in English Mest lesið Nafn mannsins sem lést á Þingvallavegi Innlent Þjónusta fólk sem reykir ópíóíða og vímuefni í ómerktum bíl Innlent Segja Tate bræður á leið til Bandaríkjanna í einkaþotu Erlent Konan er fundin Innlent Trans hermenn leitaðir uppi og látnir fjúka innan 60 daga Erlent Ógeðfelldar lýsingar í ákæru á hendur Kristjáni Markúsi Innlent Flokki fólksins einum refsað Innlent „En við munum sjá til þess að allt fari vel“ Erlent „Höfum verulegar áhyggjur af þeirri hlið málsins“ Innlent Segja upp samningum 2.300 félagsmanna sem vinna á hjúkrunarheimilum Innlent