40 billion offer on Icelandair 27. september 2006 09:45 setuverkfall starfsmanna IGS, dótturfélags icelandair í leifsstöð. Fl Group is currently looking into two offers on Icelandair. One of them is from KB Bank in cooperation with Ker, a company owned by Ólafur Ólafsson, owner of Samskip shipping company. The other is from Glitnir Bank and a group of investors led by Finnur Ingólfsson and Þórólfur Gíslason. These two groups worked together at the time when the government bought shares in Búnaðarbankinn which later became KB Bank, and now they are competing for Icelandair. According to Markaðurinn, the Fréttablaðið business supplement, FL Group are happy about the offers and it is clear that they would make a large profit from either one, as figures amount to 40 billion kronas. News News in English Mest lesið Nafn mannsins sem lést á Þingvallavegi Innlent Ógeðfelldar lýsingar í ákæru á hendur Kristjáni Markúsi Innlent Þjónusta fólk sem reykir ópíóíða og vímuefni í ómerktum bíl Innlent Segja Tate bræður á leið til Bandaríkjanna í einkaþotu Erlent Konan er fundin Innlent Segja upp samningum 2.300 félagsmanna sem vinna á hjúkrunarheimilum Innlent Trans hermenn leitaðir uppi og látnir fjúka innan 60 daga Erlent Lögreglan lýsir dauða Hackman og konu hans sem „grunsamlegum“ Erlent Flokki fólksins einum refsað Innlent María Heimisdóttir skipuð landlæknir Innlent
Fl Group is currently looking into two offers on Icelandair. One of them is from KB Bank in cooperation with Ker, a company owned by Ólafur Ólafsson, owner of Samskip shipping company. The other is from Glitnir Bank and a group of investors led by Finnur Ingólfsson and Þórólfur Gíslason. These two groups worked together at the time when the government bought shares in Búnaðarbankinn which later became KB Bank, and now they are competing for Icelandair. According to Markaðurinn, the Fréttablaðið business supplement, FL Group are happy about the offers and it is clear that they would make a large profit from either one, as figures amount to 40 billion kronas.
News News in English Mest lesið Nafn mannsins sem lést á Þingvallavegi Innlent Ógeðfelldar lýsingar í ákæru á hendur Kristjáni Markúsi Innlent Þjónusta fólk sem reykir ópíóíða og vímuefni í ómerktum bíl Innlent Segja Tate bræður á leið til Bandaríkjanna í einkaþotu Erlent Konan er fundin Innlent Segja upp samningum 2.300 félagsmanna sem vinna á hjúkrunarheimilum Innlent Trans hermenn leitaðir uppi og látnir fjúka innan 60 daga Erlent Lögreglan lýsir dauða Hackman og konu hans sem „grunsamlegum“ Erlent Flokki fólksins einum refsað Innlent María Heimisdóttir skipuð landlæknir Innlent