Grimsvotn eruption unlikely to trigger a big flood 24. maí 2011 13:55 The volcanic eruption in Grimsvotn is not expected to trigger a flood. PHOTO/Jon Olafur Magnusson A big flood resulting from the eruption in Grimsvotn is not expected in the near future. There was a flood from Grimsvotn in the Skafta river last year, so little water has accumulated there, and the icecap over the caldera was thin. Therefore, less ice has melted and less water has been added to the subglacial lake. The water that accumulates will advance the next flood. If the eruption shifts to a place where the icecap is thicker it makes a flood more likely. There were floods from the glacier shortly after the last two eruptions started in Grimsvotn, in 1998 and 2004. News in English Mest lesið Nafn mannsins sem lést á Þingvallavegi Innlent Þjónusta fólk sem reykir ópíóíða og vímuefni í ómerktum bíl Innlent Segja Tate bræður á leið til Bandaríkjanna í einkaþotu Erlent Konan er fundin Innlent Trans hermenn leitaðir uppi og látnir fjúka innan 60 daga Erlent Ógeðfelldar lýsingar í ákæru á hendur Kristjáni Markúsi Innlent Flokki fólksins einum refsað Innlent „En við munum sjá til þess að allt fari vel“ Erlent „Höfum verulegar áhyggjur af þeirri hlið málsins“ Innlent Segja upp samningum 2.300 félagsmanna sem vinna á hjúkrunarheimilum Innlent
A big flood resulting from the eruption in Grimsvotn is not expected in the near future. There was a flood from Grimsvotn in the Skafta river last year, so little water has accumulated there, and the icecap over the caldera was thin. Therefore, less ice has melted and less water has been added to the subglacial lake. The water that accumulates will advance the next flood. If the eruption shifts to a place where the icecap is thicker it makes a flood more likely. There were floods from the glacier shortly after the last two eruptions started in Grimsvotn, in 1998 and 2004.
News in English Mest lesið Nafn mannsins sem lést á Þingvallavegi Innlent Þjónusta fólk sem reykir ópíóíða og vímuefni í ómerktum bíl Innlent Segja Tate bræður á leið til Bandaríkjanna í einkaþotu Erlent Konan er fundin Innlent Trans hermenn leitaðir uppi og látnir fjúka innan 60 daga Erlent Ógeðfelldar lýsingar í ákæru á hendur Kristjáni Markúsi Innlent Flokki fólksins einum refsað Innlent „En við munum sjá til þess að allt fari vel“ Erlent „Höfum verulegar áhyggjur af þeirri hlið málsins“ Innlent Segja upp samningum 2.300 félagsmanna sem vinna á hjúkrunarheimilum Innlent