Óunnar sjálfsmyndir - #BreakYourSelfie 24. mars 2015 00:01 #BreakYourSelfie er herferð á Instagram. visir/getty Sjónvarpsstjarnan Millie Mackintosh hefur í samstarfi við Reebok komið af stað herferð á Instagram undir kassmerkinu #BreakYourSelfie. Með þessu hvetur hún fólk til birta myndir af sér í ræktinni sem er ekki búið að eiga við með myndvinnsluforritum á borð við Photoshop. This is how happy #doubleunders make me!! . Los #doblesdecomba me hacen así de feliz!! . #fit #fitfam #fitspo #crossfit #crossfitproblems #healthy #happy #stronggirl #tonedgirl #fitgirl @crossfit_maheritrio #instafit #girlgains #jumprope #breakyourselfie #bemorehuman A photo posted by Kajo Land (@kajoland) on Mar 24, 2015 at 4:22pm PDT Rainy #London. There are many days when we wake up feeling deflated and incapable. A big fat NO stuck to our foreheads (bad sleep? One too many troubles of the heart and mind? Anything!) Its unrealistic to think up we can feel 100% smiley every day-On these low days, it's always important to be #kind to ourselves, but sometimes we need an extra kick to actively command our inner voice to shout #YES, I am #strong, I am #capable, #ICanDoThis #IAmReady ... Even when you might not feel it. It's not a magic cure, but by stepping out into the world with these words, we cause a change that encourages us to be more open to receiving #goodvibes even on our worst days. One of the simplest remedies tied in with that is #physical #movement-15 minutes of #exercise can clear your mind and rejuvenate. Go for that #walk #run #yogaflow #workout #climb #dance #swim and burn up the anxiety. I'm very lucky that I get to guide #Strala STRONG #yoga tonight @archclimbing because connecting with people always turns my world around. #humanconnection #sayyes #breakyourselfie #fitspo #fitness #health #thisgirlcan #ellefit #bestrong #yogaforeveryone A photo posted by Tiffany Soi (@tiffany_soi) on Mar 26, 2015 at 4:33am PDT Glamour Fegurð Glamour Líf og heilsa Mest lesið Þegar Rihanna stal senunni í risavöxnum gulum kjól Glamour Moschino Barbie er mætt Glamour Hvað er Met Gala? Glamour Bleikur október beint af tískupöllunum Glamour Kim verður Kleópatra Glamour Fossar í Grand Palais hjá Chanel Glamour Eftirminnilegustu Golden Globe kjólarnir Glamour Sýna stríðsátök í íslenskum veruleika Glamour Röndótt vor hjá Lanvin Glamour Burt með bjúg, þreytuleg augu og þurra húð Glamour
Sjónvarpsstjarnan Millie Mackintosh hefur í samstarfi við Reebok komið af stað herferð á Instagram undir kassmerkinu #BreakYourSelfie. Með þessu hvetur hún fólk til birta myndir af sér í ræktinni sem er ekki búið að eiga við með myndvinnsluforritum á borð við Photoshop. This is how happy #doubleunders make me!! . Los #doblesdecomba me hacen así de feliz!! . #fit #fitfam #fitspo #crossfit #crossfitproblems #healthy #happy #stronggirl #tonedgirl #fitgirl @crossfit_maheritrio #instafit #girlgains #jumprope #breakyourselfie #bemorehuman A photo posted by Kajo Land (@kajoland) on Mar 24, 2015 at 4:22pm PDT Rainy #London. There are many days when we wake up feeling deflated and incapable. A big fat NO stuck to our foreheads (bad sleep? One too many troubles of the heart and mind? Anything!) Its unrealistic to think up we can feel 100% smiley every day-On these low days, it's always important to be #kind to ourselves, but sometimes we need an extra kick to actively command our inner voice to shout #YES, I am #strong, I am #capable, #ICanDoThis #IAmReady ... Even when you might not feel it. It's not a magic cure, but by stepping out into the world with these words, we cause a change that encourages us to be more open to receiving #goodvibes even on our worst days. One of the simplest remedies tied in with that is #physical #movement-15 minutes of #exercise can clear your mind and rejuvenate. Go for that #walk #run #yogaflow #workout #climb #dance #swim and burn up the anxiety. I'm very lucky that I get to guide #Strala STRONG #yoga tonight @archclimbing because connecting with people always turns my world around. #humanconnection #sayyes #breakyourselfie #fitspo #fitness #health #thisgirlcan #ellefit #bestrong #yogaforeveryone A photo posted by Tiffany Soi (@tiffany_soi) on Mar 26, 2015 at 4:33am PDT
Glamour Fegurð Glamour Líf og heilsa Mest lesið Þegar Rihanna stal senunni í risavöxnum gulum kjól Glamour Moschino Barbie er mætt Glamour Hvað er Met Gala? Glamour Bleikur október beint af tískupöllunum Glamour Kim verður Kleópatra Glamour Fossar í Grand Palais hjá Chanel Glamour Eftirminnilegustu Golden Globe kjólarnir Glamour Sýna stríðsátök í íslenskum veruleika Glamour Röndótt vor hjá Lanvin Glamour Burt með bjúg, þreytuleg augu og þurra húð Glamour