97 New Coronavirus Infections Diagnosed Yesterday By Iona Rangeley-Wilson 9. október 2020 13:00 More than half, or 54 of the 97, were already quarantine at the time of diagnosis. 8 were diagnosed at the border. vísir/vilhelm 97 new coronavirus infections were diagnosed domestically yesterday, Vísir reported this morning. More than half, or 54 of the 97, were already quarantine at the time of diagnosis. 8 were diagnosed at the border. The number of samples taken yesterday was also the largest in three weeks. Although new restrictions were introduced on Monday, epidemiologist Þórólfur Guðnason has emphasised that due to the incubation period, it will take up to two weeks for the results of those new restrictions to be visible in the numbers. “The measures that have been taken will not pay off until after one to two weeks,” he said, adding that we can expect similar figures in the next few days. There are currently 24 people in hospital at Landspítali with coronavirus. 3 of these 24 are in intensive care on ventilators. “There are a lot of people in the Covid outpatient department who are sick and about to be admitted,” Þórólfur added. Þórólfur is not yet considering tougher measures in the capital area, saying that we need to see how the next few weeks play out first. “We do not know,” he said. “I sincerely hope there is no need for tougher action.” More data from covid.is follows. The post 97 New Coronavirus Infections Diagnosed Yesterday appeared first on The Reykjavik Grapevine Note: Due to the effect the Coronavirus is having on tourism in Iceland, it’s become increasingly difficult for the Grapevine to survive. If you enjoy Grapevine’s content and want to help it’s journalists do things like eat and pay rent, please consider joining the High Five Club. You can also check out Grapevine’s shop, loaded with books, apparel and other cool merch, that you can buy and have delivered right to your door. Mest lesið Foreldrar hvattir á neyðarfundi skólans til að flytja börnin Innlent Selenskí þakkar fjórum sinnum fyrir sig Erlent Sigu um borð og tóku yfir stjórn íslensks skips Innlent Banaslys varð í Vík í Mýrdal Innlent Segir Viðskiptablaðið og Moggann ljúga upp á hann pólitískri hlutdrægni Innlent Segir Selenskí vanþakklátan og hætta á heimsstyrjöld Erlent Nafn mannsins sem lést á Þingvallavegi Innlent „Breskir hermenn geta séð um sig sjálfir“ Erlent Lögreglan lýsir dauða Hackman og konu hans sem „grunsamlegum“ Erlent Segist nauðbeygður til að gagnrýna Guðrúnu á Facebook fyrst hún svari ekki póstum Innlent
97 new coronavirus infections were diagnosed domestically yesterday, Vísir reported this morning. More than half, or 54 of the 97, were already quarantine at the time of diagnosis. 8 were diagnosed at the border. The number of samples taken yesterday was also the largest in three weeks. Although new restrictions were introduced on Monday, epidemiologist Þórólfur Guðnason has emphasised that due to the incubation period, it will take up to two weeks for the results of those new restrictions to be visible in the numbers. “The measures that have been taken will not pay off until after one to two weeks,” he said, adding that we can expect similar figures in the next few days. There are currently 24 people in hospital at Landspítali with coronavirus. 3 of these 24 are in intensive care on ventilators. “There are a lot of people in the Covid outpatient department who are sick and about to be admitted,” Þórólfur added. Þórólfur is not yet considering tougher measures in the capital area, saying that we need to see how the next few weeks play out first. “We do not know,” he said. “I sincerely hope there is no need for tougher action.” More data from covid.is follows. The post 97 New Coronavirus Infections Diagnosed Yesterday appeared first on The Reykjavik Grapevine Note: Due to the effect the Coronavirus is having on tourism in Iceland, it’s become increasingly difficult for the Grapevine to survive. If you enjoy Grapevine’s content and want to help it’s journalists do things like eat and pay rent, please consider joining the High Five Club. You can also check out Grapevine’s shop, loaded with books, apparel and other cool merch, that you can buy and have delivered right to your door.
Note: Due to the effect the Coronavirus is having on tourism in Iceland, it’s become increasingly difficult for the Grapevine to survive. If you enjoy Grapevine’s content and want to help it’s journalists do things like eat and pay rent, please consider joining the High Five Club. You can also check out Grapevine’s shop, loaded with books, apparel and other cool merch, that you can buy and have delivered right to your door.
Mest lesið Foreldrar hvattir á neyðarfundi skólans til að flytja börnin Innlent Selenskí þakkar fjórum sinnum fyrir sig Erlent Sigu um borð og tóku yfir stjórn íslensks skips Innlent Banaslys varð í Vík í Mýrdal Innlent Segir Viðskiptablaðið og Moggann ljúga upp á hann pólitískri hlutdrægni Innlent Segir Selenskí vanþakklátan og hætta á heimsstyrjöld Erlent Nafn mannsins sem lést á Þingvallavegi Innlent „Breskir hermenn geta séð um sig sjálfir“ Erlent Lögreglan lýsir dauða Hackman og konu hans sem „grunsamlegum“ Erlent Segist nauðbeygður til að gagnrýna Guðrúnu á Facebook fyrst hún svari ekki póstum Innlent