Child Befriends Swan–Iceland Swoons By Iona Rangeley-Wilson 20. október 2020 17:01 Baltasar and the swan became best buds. Nine-year-old Baltasar Máni had an exciting day at the Tjörnin pond yesterday when he befriended a swan, Vísir reported. Baltasar was feeding the swans with his family. One swan became particularly fond of him, climbing onto a bench in order to bond with Baltasar at head-height. Baltasar was able to pet the swan for half an hour, and attracted the attention of many onlookers. Erla Ósk Ásgeirsdóttir, Baltasar’s mother, posted photos and videos of the touching scene on Facebook, describing it as a “unique moment” with a “beautiful swan”. “I have never experienced anything like it,” said Erla. “The swan chased Baltasar up on a wooden bench where he gave the swan brand new bread and they became the best of friends. The swan allowed Baltasar to pet himself for a long time. Baltasar himself was quite surprised by this.” When feeding swans, it is best to give them wheat, corn, lettuce and spinach. Bread is typically not good for them, but if you do give them bread, be sure it is fresh, as mould can be poisonous to them. The post Child Befriends Swan–Iceland Swoons appeared first on The Reykjavik Grapevine. Mest lesið Sigurjón lenti fyrir bíl: „Þetta er alveg lygilegt“ Innlent Þessi troða upp á innsetningarathöfn Trump Erlent Hyggjast leggja 100 prósent skatt á eignakaup útlendinga Erlent Krafa um að tré verði felld í Öskjuhlíð eigi ekki að koma á óvart Innlent Óvenjuleg skjálftahrina í Bárðarbungu Innlent Hafi ekki fengið nauðsynlega hjálp áður en hann varð dóttur sinni að bana Innlent Vill veita björgunarfólkinu viðurkenningu Innlent Ragnheiður Torfadóttir er látin Innlent Eldar sagðir loga víða í Rússlandi eftir árásir Erlent Kassi með utankjörfundaratkvæðum barst ellefu dögum of seint Innlent
Nine-year-old Baltasar Máni had an exciting day at the Tjörnin pond yesterday when he befriended a swan, Vísir reported. Baltasar was feeding the swans with his family. One swan became particularly fond of him, climbing onto a bench in order to bond with Baltasar at head-height. Baltasar was able to pet the swan for half an hour, and attracted the attention of many onlookers. Erla Ósk Ásgeirsdóttir, Baltasar’s mother, posted photos and videos of the touching scene on Facebook, describing it as a “unique moment” with a “beautiful swan”. “I have never experienced anything like it,” said Erla. “The swan chased Baltasar up on a wooden bench where he gave the swan brand new bread and they became the best of friends. The swan allowed Baltasar to pet himself for a long time. Baltasar himself was quite surprised by this.” When feeding swans, it is best to give them wheat, corn, lettuce and spinach. Bread is typically not good for them, but if you do give them bread, be sure it is fresh, as mould can be poisonous to them. The post Child Befriends Swan–Iceland Swoons appeared first on The Reykjavik Grapevine.
Mest lesið Sigurjón lenti fyrir bíl: „Þetta er alveg lygilegt“ Innlent Þessi troða upp á innsetningarathöfn Trump Erlent Hyggjast leggja 100 prósent skatt á eignakaup útlendinga Erlent Krafa um að tré verði felld í Öskjuhlíð eigi ekki að koma á óvart Innlent Óvenjuleg skjálftahrina í Bárðarbungu Innlent Hafi ekki fengið nauðsynlega hjálp áður en hann varð dóttur sinni að bana Innlent Vill veita björgunarfólkinu viðurkenningu Innlent Ragnheiður Torfadóttir er látin Innlent Eldar sagðir loga víða í Rússlandi eftir árásir Erlent Kassi með utankjörfundaratkvæðum barst ellefu dögum of seint Innlent